Kun Yuan

PKU Class 2023 Fall: Optimizaiton for Deep Learning

Instructor: Kun Yuan (kunyuan@pku.edu.cn)

Teaching assistants:

Office hour: 2pm - 3pm Thursday, 静园六院220


Martin Jaggi and Nicolas Flammarion, Optimization for Machine Learning, EPFL Class CS-439
Chris De Sa, Advanced Machine Learning Systems, Cornell CS6787

Final exam

Final exam [Exam_GH] [Exam_BD]

Code for Problem 4 [Code_GH] [Code_BD]

Please turn in your exam paper and code by 11:59 PM on January 14, 2024.


[Projects_GH] [Projects_BD]

Presentation materials are due by 11:59 AM on December 26, 2023.

Project codes and reports are due by 11:59 PM on January 14, 2024.


Remark: All materials can be retrieved from two sources: GitHub and Baidu Wangpan.

Lecture 1: Introduction

Lecture 2: Gradient descent

Lecture 3: Accelerated gradient descent

Lecture 4: Projected gradient descent and Proximal gradient descent

Lecture 5: Zeroth-order optimization

Lecture 6: Stochastic gradient descent

Lecture 7: Stochastic gradient descent: sampling strategy and stability

Lecture 8: Momentum and Adaptive SGD

Lecture 9: Variance reduction

Lecture 10-1: Adversarial learning

Lecture 10-2: Gradient clipping

Lecture 11: Mixed-Precision Training

Lecture 12: Meta Learning

Lecture 13: Decentralized Learning

Lecture 14: Federated Learning